A little look into my love of card making, scrapbooking, jewellery making & anything crafty
Tuesday, July 31, 2007
Catch Up
To let you in on a little sneak piece of info we hopefully have a fabulous challenge coming up from a wonderful atrist in a couple of weeks so stay tuned & hope you will all join in xx
Haven't been up to much this week my poor Mam done her back in last week and she's really suffering, only managed to walk yesterday.
Matthew had his first tooth extraction today, my poor boy well in fact her was sooo much better than me about the whole thing. He has came home and taken over the computer & wanted to be mothered so I haven't been able to get on, he has decided that the whole tooth fairy thing will have to wait till his Dad gets back from America before he puts it under his pillow for her, aaaawwww I love the fact he's nearly nine & kept a lot of his innocence.
Hope you are all happy crafting xx
Friday, July 27, 2007
Challenge No.1

Shirley Anne
Thursday, July 26, 2007
Got to try out my embossing folders last night & I'm soooo impressed with the results, especially after how easy they where to use, I love the top one as it can bee used to frame any embellishment and good for a quite last min card. I'll be adding more to my collection for sure, these little beauties where purchased from http://www.imag-e-nation/ the cheapest place I found and they have free p&p to boot along with great customer service what more do you need!
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
The Sun was out...
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
Never Mind
I love using things that have belonged to people in my pages with this layout I had some old clothes after clearing out the kid's wardrobe so thought I could use the buttons in some way & as you'll see with my layouts i have a thing with hidden pictures and journeling.
This layout was from a sketch from a blogg, I'll have to find the name later sorry, I never scrap me so this was a real huge out of my comfort zone!But it has my fave colour and fav peeps xx
I waned to try and mess about with the photo's in this one, not too sure about it but I like the last pic as it's printed in black & white and then I water coloured his hair and butterfly it looks quite cute.
This one of my Mum is vary rare she never gets her picture taken & will not be best pleased when she see's it's on my blog hahaha, all the embellishments are handmade on this one
I just love this paper and couldn't wait to use it, I bought is knowing Matthew was having a bowling party so new it wouldn't lye around like the rest of my papers. I didn't have a template for a skittle to use with Elmo so had to cut them out freehand, I really like this one it's just taken a long time to get done!
Sunday, July 22, 2007
Step By Step
Have fun!
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
Busy Bee Today

Well today while the rain was off Mum & I decided to do some gardening, I did some weeding in her garden first, there is still loads to do but it's looking great considering how it looked a year ago. I then found some onions that hadn't been planted in her greenhouse so I dug over my second bed and popped them in with come beetroot, carrots & radish, fingers crossed they come up. We did manage to pull some spring onions & a couple of lettuce, I made some wraps with mince & salad and they were real good, can't wait to see how the cabbage turn out.
Topper Sales
Well not here exactly on a page on my jewellery site but I'll announce it here when I have some for sale, I've heard quite a few people doing this and never really gave it a thought that I could.
Yesterday I had my Abbie's birthday tea it was pouring with rain but we had a blast there was ten kids & two babies & the mums. We had lots to eat & the kids all played in my two's rooms, there wasn't a cross word between them all and hardly any mess, great success.
Today however I'm knackered and going to spend some time in the garden with Abbie & Mum we have some serious weeding to do and I need to get some more veggies planted. Tonight i plan to get into my craft room as it looks like a bombsite, I got a lot of new stash and need to find a place for it all, oh what fun, I'll get some pics up later promise
Saturday, July 14, 2007
Nothing Much!
We treated ourselves to dinner on Thursday before heading for some messages & I thrilled to bits to announce I managed to buy two size 14 top from the clothing section and they fit great :O)
Not sure what the next few weeks will bring with the kids being off school, Aaron is coming out to look at the shop this week so fingers crossed he comes with good news and ideas for the shop, hope to share some pic's soon take care xx