It was my **rd Birthday today and I was truly spoiled!!! Hubs scored major brownie points, he made out the Suzanne Woolcott Original I was after was out of stock, so it was just as well I had no customers this morning in the shop as I let out the loudest scream when I opened the package!!!

My friend Maggie treated me to a beautiful card and this great stack of wrapping paper and lovely candle x

The lovely Carole made me this cutie Teddie just in my colours and my fav fresh Heather.

The fabulous Tracy turned up with rubber, one of her lush homemade Choc cakes and the wonderful Jenny. I had such a great morning hanging out sharing cake and coffee and talking crafts

Can you believe more cake!!!! Cute Pink Glittered Ones from the very lovely Emma :)
I was given a beautiful Panduro bracelet from my Mum & Dad along with the most yummy Chinese meal. My kiddies made my great cards and gave me Green & Black assorted mini choc bar selection.
I have had such a fab day and I am really looking forward to seeing Hubs tonight when he gets back tonight. We are having a family day together on Sat, I have always wanted to see a Ron Mueck exhibition and there is one in Aberdeen I am super excited!!!
Love to you all for making my day great xxx